Thursday, July 24, 2008

Even in Colorado, another story about Vitamin D deficiency

A lot of non-nudists think that nudists run a higher risk of skin cancer, however the research doesn't support that view. Low levels of vitamin D in the body have been linked to higher risks from many cancers (including melanoma and breast cancer), and doctors and researchers will tell you that it is almost impossible to get enough vitamin D from just food sources. However, sunlight on the skin is a very easy way to get plenty of vitamin D.

Now, the Rocky Mountain News is carrying an article that shows that seniors in Colorado, one of the sunniest states in the nation, are suffering from low vitamin D levels. As the News says "Many of Colorado's seniors aren't getting enough vitamin D, a nutritional gem that can prevent osteoporosis and may also guard against cancer, strokes, heart attacks and multiple sclerosis, a new study shows." You can read the whole article here.

Monday, July 21, 2008

National Public Radio on Gunnison Nude Beach in New Jersey

This is not about Colorado, but I found it interesting.
The National Public Radio (NPR) has a article and radio show on-line that talks about the thriving Gunnison Beach in Sandy Hook, New Jersey.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

WestWord's Coverage of the 2008 Denver World Naked Bike Ride

WestWord has put out its story on the 2008 Denver World Naked Bike Ride. You can read it here. They even put a slide show of pictures online here.

NBC Today Show Scoop Coverage of Nakations

You can watch a segment of the Today show that covers the AANR Nakation marketing campaign and see a very reasonable mass market treatment of nude vacations. The video is a Flash presentation, so you have to go through the first 4 minutes 50 seconds before you get to the segment on Nakations. The segment is called "Bare Essentials for Nude Travellers" and can be seen here.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Another video from the Denver World Naked Bike Ride

Denver's World Naked Bike Ride

On Saturday night, at 9pm, Denver held its annual World Naked Bike Ride starting at Benedict Fountain Park (20th & Penn) . About twice as many people as last year attended and the event appears to have been a pretty good success. There was an organizational meeting nearby starting at 6am. Channel 9 News carried an article on their web site about it, though the text of the article was mostly just what an organizer submitted to them.

Kudos to the Denver Police Department for their extremely professional approach and their concern for the safety of all the public.

The picture is from WestWord's coverage of last year's Denver WNBR.

Last year, 20 people were cited for indecent exposure, but those charges were dismissed shortly thereafter. This year there weren't any citations and there was a rumor that the prosecuting city attorney from last year even attended (although the level of participation is unknown).

Although the WNBR event uses nudity to make a point, it really isn't about exposing one's self, it uses nudity to bring attention to serious social problems with our dependence on foreign oil. As Owen said " Remember, WNBR is about, among other things, celebrating the power and individuality of our bodies and underscoring the totally natural, organic, human-powered nature of bike-transportation in a completely NON-SEXUAL context."

The organization of the Denver WNBR was mostly done through a Yahoo Group

Other information was at:
